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Family portrait photography is a wonderful way to capture your child’s special milestones and blossoming personality. From quirky smiles and giggles to the curiosity of childhood, professional photography is the perfect way to capture your family’s love as beautiful art.

precious tiny moments Photography would love to capture these moments for you! 


The style

My custom Portrait Sessions are a unique and personalized experience. As a mother myself, I know the importance of preserving your family’s most precious moments. I  strive to make my photo shoots relaxed, spontaneous, and fun! Children are encouraged to run around, play, and be silly.  With an eye for perfect in-between moments and unique perspectives, I will create child and family portraits that are beautiful, genuine, and emotional. I use my expertise in artful lighting and editing to bring out the best in your portraits. I love getting to know each of our clients and creating one-of-a-kind art that you will treasure forever.




It’s never too early to book! it’s always best to contact me as soon as possible for an appointment.  I aim to provide the most relaxing and comfortable photography experience from start to finish.  During your consultation, i will help you plan the location, styling and vision for your session.  Once your appointment has been booked, i will provide a Welcome Packet of detailed recommendations on how to prepare for your special day.



Children and family portraits may be captured in the comfort of your home, or various outdoors locations that feature natural settings or the urban cityscape.  Choosing a location that is special to your family is a wonderful way to add a personal touch to your images. I have lots of favorite locations, and I'm always happy to help you select the ideal setting for your shoot during your consultation.

What should I wear?

Clothing is a key element for beautiful, timeless portraits. I recommend simple, classic apparel that reflects your style. Neutrals, creams and soft pastels photograph beautifully amidst the colorful outdoors backdrops. Have fun with rich textures, layers, simple patterns, ruffles, and accessories… the possibilities are endless! Coordinate your outfits with a palette of complementary colors for family portraits.



What should I bring?

I encourage you to bring along any props of your own that are personal and meaningful for your portraits.    Towards the end of the session, I love to get creative with additional wardrobe/prop options, that allows capturing your children’s genuine personalities.



Portrait session vs. mini session

My Family photography Session is offered at a location of your choice.  The Session is 1-1.5 hours, allowing us plenty of time to walk around to different settings, incorporate meaningful activities, and capture a larger variety of sibling and family concepts. Portrait Session clients are interested in an extensive selection of images to create wall art clusters and keepsake albums.
 As an alternative, my Mini Session is a wonderful way to capture a smaller selection of family portraits. 


Studio setting in your own home

With my mobile studio equipment, every living room can become a studio in less than 15 minutes! So if you like the studio style,
you don't even have to leave your house.
studio equipment includes: backdrops, backdrop stand, lightning (power outlet required) and a large variety of props. 


© 2018 by Tal Arbel Peleg- Precious tiny moments photography. 

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